Established in 2024 by the former Segulah team, Amplio is a Swedish private equity firm specialising in the Nordic lower mid-market with a distinct sector focus on Business Services and IT & Technology Services. We have a strong track record and long experience of developing companies in close cooperation with skilled entrepreneurs, business leaders and industrial experts.
Amplio represents a commitment to amplifying opportunities, based on a systematic and repeatable value creation model, enabling companies to grow and take the next step in their journey. Professionalisation and Buy-and-Build are at the core of our DNA in supporting our companies pursuing this strategy.
Our commitment to sustained growth is reflected in our sector focus and strategic themes. Amplio invests with sustainability at its core, channelling efforts into ‘Sustainable Solutions,’ ‘Digital Business Efficiency,’ and ‘Smart Urbanisation’.
At the same time, the Amplio team will build on the Segulah legacy, experience and values, while continuing to forge strong partnerships with entrepreneurs and key stakeholders who have been integral to our journey and success.
Amplio manages the following funds: Amplio I & Segulah V.

To succeed we contribute capital, structure, knowledge and experience. We have a distinct focus on two different sectors where we historically have been successful, have a strong track record and relevant network:

Targeting subsectors with potential for professionalisation, consolidation and with low cyclicality (often local services such as installation and other support services)

Focusing on B2B-oriented IT and digital companies with a direct link to our themes, for example in IT infrastructure
Our goal is always that our companies should reach a position from where they can develop long after our ownership period. We therefore invest in companies that we believe will be the winners of tomorrow.
Specifically, to ensure long-term structural growth we invest, with sustainability in focus, into markets fuelled by three major themes:

The winners of tomorrow will be companies that help their clients to provide long-term sustainable business solutions, such as energy efficiency, automation and smart technology solutions.

Digital technology enables companies to operate with more agility and efficiency, creating opportunities for businesses that enable others to excel in their digital journeys.

A modern society builds on smart solutions and services that enable living and working in a sustainable and efficient way.